State of Hunger Reports

Reporting emerging issues around hunger impacting Oregonians

The Oregon Hunger Task Force makes a report on the State of Hunger in Oregon every year. This can look like reports and issue briefs on hunger, focusing on changes and impacted populations in Oregon, general reports on hunger trends across the state or presentations and live reports given at Task Force meetings.

Food Insecurity in Oregon Reports

December 2023

Mark Edwards and Julian McElhaney, Oregon State University School of Public Policy

Oregon’s Pandemic Food Insecurity Rates (2019-2021)

November 2022

Mark Edwards and James LeBlanc, Oregon State University School of Public Policy

June 2022

Etta O’Donnell-King and Fatima Jawaid Marty

Hunger and food insecurity disproportionately impact Immigrant and Refugee Oregonians. This report looks at how this population experiences hunger and how lack of program access exacerbates this injustice.

May 2021

Etta O’Donnell-King, Alison Killeen and Cara Claflin

This report covers changes to hunger during the COVID-19 Pandemic, as of May 2021, focusing on the environment before and during the pandemic impacts hunger, how government responded, the role of mutual aid and recommendations for policy change.

January 2019

Alison Killeen, edited by Annie Kirschner

A quick look into hunger in Oregon in 2018. Based in the research of Prof. Mark Edwards, Oregon State University.

January 2019
Alison Killeen, edited by Annie Kirschner
Student hunger is a significant problem in Oregon’s universities and community colleges. Hunger and food insecurity on campus hinders academic achievement, worsens health outcomes, and threatens economic mobility. Covers new research, in Oregon and nationwide, on this topic.