The Oregon Hunger Task Force (originally called The Oregon Hunger Relief Task Force) was created by the State Legislature in 1989 (ORS 458.532) to act as a resource within government and as a statewide advocate for Oregonians who are hungry or at risk of hunger. The Task Force works collaboratively with stakeholders throughout Oregon to promote community awareness, compile research, develop proposals for government action, and conduct outreach to expand participation in federal nutrition programs.
The 28-seat Task Force was directed to act as a resource within government and as a statewide advocate for Oregonians who are hungry or at risk of hunger. The Task Force carries out this mandate by researching the problem of hunger, making recommendations, and coordinating with decision-makers to implement changes.
Together with the Oregon Hunger Task Force, the linked non-profit Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon works to end hunger by addressing root causes. The two entities’ common goal is to build families’ economic stability and food security through systemic policy change so that all Oregonians have sufficient means and ready access to healthy and culturally appropriate food.
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